What's up everyone.
The last time we talked about the aphids on our eggplant I said that we were closing out the series of videos on the eggplant after showing all the beneficial predators that arrived to handle the aphid problem. But, I recently saw that the same eggplant was setting fruit and had many blooms that were about to set fruit. I thought this would be a good opportunity to prove that .... not only are the plants still viable.... but that they are healthy enough to be setting fruit.
The aphid infestation is definitely reduced. It is not completely gone. I did see that and adult lady beetle / lady bug was around which means that the predators are still patrolling and helping with the control of the aphids. This is definitely a display of letting a garden's ecosystem work. It just takes patience!!! Something us gardeners have a hard time with.
I hope that you have enjoyed seeing how a good garden ecosystem can work. I hope that you too will allow your garden's ecosystem to work for you. And I hope that you will begin trusting the principles of
Growing food producing plants
Growing a variety of plants whether they produce food or not
Avoiding jumping straight to chemical control
Avoiding jumping straight to mechanical methods of removal
Trust that nature will do its thing
If you have any experience with aphids in your garden... feel free to comment below and keep the conversation going.
See you..................................