Welcome back to another week and another #WhatIsItWednesday
This week, I hope we have some more participation than we did last week. In fact, last week I didn't even do a reveal video because no one participated.
Just like in the past weeks, I am asking you to identify the plant in the video. Know the answer? Comment below, shoot me a message, or email me at fol.landscapes@gmail.com by midnight on Friday to be entered into a random drawing to be this week's winner. The winner will receive a $10 prize that can be redeemed as a $10 gift card to a brand of their choice, $10 off our online store, or a $10 donation to a non-profit of their choice.
Don't know the answer?? Try anyways!! Not only do we dish out a prize to the weekly winner, but we also donate money to different non-profit organizations involved with conservation here in Florida. For every 10 participants, we donate $5.00
I will be planning to release the reveal sometime this weekend. I hope we have a winner to congratulate this weekend! Have a great week!!
See you..........................................